Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Let me tell you that I awoke today with a lot of get up and go... so I got up and went... walking, that is. I always feel so much better, higher energy levels, just all around better when I cut white flour and sugar completely out of my diet. I mean in one day I am soaring on the what-can-I-do-next-O-Meter.
I have read over and over again how white flour and sugar from your diet can improve energy levels and mood. I have done this before and I have always felt much better. Even with felling great I still struggle with the temptation. It feels like an addiction, I know it is bad for me, will end up feeling worse but still on occasion have to have the gratification of something sweet and creamy. I don't know what part of my brain triggers these cravings but I really wish I knew more, because it doesn't make sense in my head that I choose something that is not beneficial to my healthy lifestyle but makes me feel bad.
I guess it is a struggle I will continue having, but I am fighting it for today... and each day because the benefit is outstanding.
Today is what counts not regretting past mistakes or thinking about what if... I am feeling better and also have a bit of wonderful, HUGE, news to share. I have struggled with my weight since my first pregnancy and never got a handle on it until this year. Don't get me wrong.. I was on some type of diet almost every week but nothing I ever could live long term with. After a month or so I would always give up. I have been doing WW since March and am still able to stay with it. That alone is mind blowing to me.. BUT the big news is that I weigh less today than I have weighed since the birth of my first child!!! I have finally done it and I feel like there is no end to the continued success I will have. This is really BIG for me, I have never felt successful or in control of my weight and today I took back the control and know that I can do it. For me that is the battle, believing that I can.
I attribute some of this to reading your struggles and successes. I really believe if I had not started reading blogs and blogging myself I would not have made it this far. I have picked up so many tips, recipes and just plain ol' inspiration through your words and successes. Thank you!

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