Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I may have figured it ALL out...

No just kidding but I did just make the best salad dressing I have eaten in a long time. How did you do this? Well first of all I am a bottled salad dressing snob. Very few low cal , low fat bottled dressings taste good. Second I love grilled chicken salads- All of them but eating them out is often a 1000 calorie fiasco. I have been burned too many times thinking - Oh I will eat the salad only later to find out I could have had a burger and fries for less calories and fat.

So I have been experimenting- this one is a winner!!

1 cup salsa
2 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
2 tsp sugar (use less if you don't like sweet- but I am a red french lover)
S & P to taste

so I blended this in my mini food processor until liquid. It is thick- but I like it that way- if you want it thinner add a little water. I also used my own homemade salsa (which I must say absolutely ROCKS).
I poured the whole thing on 4 cups of lettuce, 1/8 cup finely shredded cheese and the leftover veggies and chicken from yesterday's kabobs... YUMMY
so basically the WHOLE CUP-- has ..... 2 POINTS. I am so tired of dipping my lettuce and barely getting any dressing- I want, .... I need... more dressing.
and I am stuffed, had 5 servings of veggies, 1 lean meat all for........6 points
I really should have taken a picture of this salad- it was beautiful...

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