Monday, May 4, 2009

Inspiration from the most unexpected places

I have found so much inspiration in the kind words of fellow bloggers. Others just like me, somewhere on the journey to a personal best. I am committed to being a healthy me and have decided for the next several days to photograph and post everything I eat-- A great idea and a way to journal I had not thought about... I love it!
I love to read so many of stories of daily life while losing weight. I didn't realize how "normal" the feelings are that I experience. I have always felt weak willed and that I can't do as well as others- until I realized that most of us all go through this.
I believe that blogging may be one of the keys to my success in this journey- and WW of course which is what has given me the tools to get this far. I am on board and am hoping all of us have an amazing month- week by week, day by day inspiring and commiserating with hope for a better day tomorrow!


  1. I think you'll photo journaling. Many people do it and it's just a great way to keep track of your eats. Plus you can see at a glance if you are getting enough fruits and veggies. I usually don't. haha

    You'll do fine. If you stick to the plan you will lose weight. That's all there is to it. Don't be afraid of falling off the wagon. You can have all of your favorite just have to learn to work them in and/or lighten them up. :)

  2. It is a week later and I still haven't photo journaled- but things are better- gonna try and do better journaling this week- thanks for your help- I am still working on it!
